Saturday, 18 February 2017

                         Japanese popular culture

By: Fahmi Khairull

Japanese popular culture encompasses the modern popular culture of Japanese. It includes  cinema, cuisine, television programs, anime, manga, and music, all of which retain older artistic and literary traditions, and many of their themes and styles of presentation can be traced to traditional art forms.

Kawai girl
Kawaii is a Japanese term which means "cute" and "beautiful". Cuteness seems to be a highly valued aesthetic quality in Japanese society and particularly Japanese pop culture, and overpowering cuteness seems to carry less of the stigma of infantilization as it does in many other cultures. Kawaii is pronounced Ka-wa-ee (not to be confused with kowai, Ko-wai, the Japanese term for "scary"). Kawaii can be used to describe animals and people, including fully grown adults.

The word Manga, when translated directly, means “whimsical drawings”. Manga are typically 'comic books' as the West understands them; rather, they represent pieces of Japanese culture and history. The 'manga' style has an extensive history, beginning sometime in the 10th century; scrolls from that period depict animals as part of the 'upper class', behaving as a typical human would in similar situations. Such scrolls would go on to be known as the ChōjΕ« giga or “The Animal Scrolls”.

One of favourite anime in Malaysia
Japan anime
Anime is a movie or episode of sorts which utilizes an animated cartoon art style to convey a story. Unlike Western cartoons, anime frequently tends to have more detailed character design. This can be used to allow for a better connection between the viewer and the character. Anime is based most of the time on animated comics or manga, which is an ancient form of comic writing which dates all the way to the 12th century.
The world of animated films in Japanese popular culture has been a growing trend since the 1920s. Influenced by Walt Disney and his animated characters, Osamu Tezuka (1925–1989), also known as "manga no kamisama" (which means, "God of Comics") would begin his forty-year evolution of animation, or anime, that would change the content of Japanese comic books. With the creation of his first animated character Astroboy that was unlike any other animated character; he found the hearts of the Japanese public with a robotic boy who has spiky hair, eyes as big as fists, with rockets on his feet.

Anime have expanded in such a way in Japanese culture that they have been made into by products that sell toys, clothing lines, and even many have been turned into video games to allow for a broader market to be touched.

                      Peraturan pelik di Zimbabwe

By: Fahmi khairull

Jika dibandingkan dengan negara Zimbabwe, ibu-ibu yang melahirkan anak di di sini amatlah beruntung. Di salah satu negara termiskin di Afrika itu, ibu yang melahirkan anak di hospitah akan didenda US $ 5 setiap kali menjerit.
Di negara ini, korupsi yang terjadi sudah menjadi begitu sistemik. Sebuah laporan yang ditulis Transparency International menyatakan bahawa 62 peratus penduduk Zimbabwe mengaku sudah membayar rasuah dalam waktu 1 tahun terakhir.

Di Zimbabwe, pendapatan tahunan rata-rata setiap orang adalah sekitar US $ 150 . Jika hospital mengenakan bayaran bersalinan sebanyak US $ 50, ertinya ibu yang menjerit beberapa kali selama ketika hendah bersalin akan berhutang separuh daripada pendapatan tahunannya setelah melahirkan bayinya.

Ironinya, sebanyak 95 peratus penduduk negara ini adalah penganggur dan kemiskinan berleluasa. Menurut Transparency International, ibu yang melahirkan anak tidak mampu membayar terkadang ditahan di hospital dan dikenakan bayaran sehingga boleh ditebus oleh keluarganya.

Akibatnya, banyak ibu-ibu di Zimbabwe memilih melahirkan anak di rumah kerana tidak mampu membayar kos. LPaporan PBB menjelaskan bahawa rata-rata, ada 8 ibu meninggal ketika melahirkan anak setiap hari di Zimbabwe.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Seorang ibu boleh bersusah payah menjaga 10 orang anak,tetapi 10 orang anak belum tentu dapat menjaga seorang ibu. Kata-kata yang sangat ringkas tetapi penuh bermakna. Dalam dunia ini,kita hanya mempunyai seorang ibu. Jumpalah sesiapa pun,tetapi tidak akan ada seorang pun yang dapat menggantikan ibu kita. Setinggi mana jawatan,kekayaan yg ada,tetapi tanpa doa dari ibu, kau bukanlah siapa-siapa. Sahabatku, di antara doa-doa yang dikabulkan adalah doa seorang ibu terhadap anaknya. Selagi nyawa masih dikandung badan, berjasalah anda kepada ibu anda..sayangilah dirinya..pelum cium dia..kerana selepas ini kalau dia sudah tiada,hilanglah satu nikmat yang terbesar dalam hidup kau. Ibu..mengalir air mataku..terbayang wajahmu yang redup sayu ..
Maafkan anakmu ibu..sayang ibu dunia akhirat..terima kasih atas kasih yang ibu beri dariku kecil hingga kini..πŸ˜”

By: Nur Amanina

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Peace of Village

   Me with my nephews in paddy fields at Kampung Pokok Tampang

By: Safwan Salleh

                     Everyone love peace including me. The beauty of the paddy field, the chirping of birds always gives a feeling of calm and peace.

                    Affect of the development progress on the earth, then someday this peaceful atmosphere will be a memory.

                    Appreciate the beauty of nature and always credited to the earth so that this heritage can be preserved for the next generation.

Addiction is real

When a men opens a car door for his wife it's either a new car or new wife -Prince Philip  

As what i saw, life is like a car, if you keep going in reverse, you wouldn't get to your

destination, but if you speed up and don't take the time to enjoy your surroundings,

you might get lost but If you drive with your wife you might be ending at shopping mall

By: Fahmi Khairull

When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
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When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
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When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
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When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
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My Nature


Make my mind relax and I can see the beauty of God's creation. Enjoy the beauty of a waterfall soothing. Rhythm splash of water flowing down really exciting and peaceful. Cold water and cool air is definitely refreshing.

The beauty that reminds us of the greatness and power of the Creator who created the universe for us to live in and enjoy.

I just love it!😍😘

by Nur Amanina

Kirthana's Addiction

My addiction towards hiking begins ever since i was a kid. My passion towards hiking has given me a great opportunity to hike Mount Kinabalu last year (2016). I love hiking because I get to see new things, be in the wild outdoors, and enjoy God’s creations. Hiking clears my mind. It is a great way to unwind and get back on track. When i was a little girl, I remember doing little lessons in my mind as i trudge along. It was easy to do, seeing symbolism in every small flower or rock i passed. God's hand is visible in everything. I guess that's why i'm addicted to hiking. it is a preview of heaven.

by : Kirthana Dewi 

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers"
-Thomas Jefferson-

We are the journalists in the making. Stay tune to catch up all sensational news with our coolest bloggers, Nina, Kitti, Safwan, Amie πŸ˜‰