Monday, 10 April 2017

Parents responsible for care of their elderly mothers and fathers as much as their own children, minister says

Parents have as much of a responsibility to care for their elderly mothers and fathers as they do for their own children, a minister has suggested.
David Mowat, the care minister, said that Britain's ageing population means that society has to take greater responsibility for the elderly.
He said that he was "struck" by the fact that while nobody questions the fact that mothers and fathers care for their own children, society does not take the same approach to the elderly.
It came as council leaders warned last night that the UK's social care system is in"grave danger of falling apart" because of underfunding.
In a bid to raise funding for social care, local authorities have begun plans to raise council tax bills. Surrey County Council is holding a referendum proposing that bills rise by 16 per cent in a bid to plug the funding gap.
 Mr Mowat told MPs on the local government select committee: "We need to start thinking as a society about how we deal with care of our own parents.
"One of the things that has struck me as I’ve been doing this role is that nobody ever questions the fact that we look after our children, that’s just obvious. Nobody ever says it is a caring responsibility, it’s just what you do. 
"I think some of that logic and some of way we think about that, in terms of the sort of volume of numbers that we are seeing coming down the track, will have to impinge on the way we start thinking about how we look after our parents.
"In a way, it is a responsibility in terms of our life cycle that is similar."
The Local Government Association  said that a growing number of people in need of social care are being left stranded in hospitals.
The number of people who had "unmet basic needs", such as getting washed, dressed or getting out of bed, could also rise. It that the Government's Care Act was doomed to fail unless more money was allocated to the social care sector.
In its submission to the Treasury ahead of the Budget, the LGA said that if new money was not ploughed into the social care sector then ministers needed to be "honest and upfront" with the public about the level of care that could be provided.
A poll conducted by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services found that just 8 per cent of directors of adult social care in councils were confident they could meet the full duties of the Care Act in the coming financial year.
Izzi Seccombe, chairwoman of the LGA's Community Wellbeing Board, said: "The Care Act is a really important piece of legislation which the LGA fully supports.
"But the intentions and the spirit of the Care Act that aims to help people to live well and independently, are in grave danger of falling apart and failing, unless new funding is announced by government for adult social care.
"It is not good enough just to be trying to help someone get washed and dressed, adult social care is about much more than this.
"It is about aspiring to help people live their lives to the fullest, and with dignity, not simply just get by. This is the great strength of the Care Act, which unfortunately is now at risk."
The head of the NHS has called for extra funding for social care after it emerged that bed blocking in hospitals has risen by more than 40 per cent in a year.
Doctors have warned that delayed discharges - where patients are medically fit to leave hospital but are stuck in beds due to problems arranging care in the community - are exacerbating the winter care crisis.
Local councils have been given the power to raise bills by up to 6 per cent over next three years to pay for social care. However they say it is not enough and one local authority is planning to hold a referendum on increasing council tax by up to 15 per cent.
Tim Loughton, a Tory MP former families minister: "In Mediterranean countries they have a social, family caring structure where you have different generations that look out for each other.
"They literally live on top of each other and surprise surprise have far fewer elderly people cast out into care homes.
"In the UK we ghettoise elderly people, we have almost an apartheid system of all members of a generation being put together.
"He makes a fair point, as long as he doesn't use it as a cop out for the state having to look after elderly people."
Tim Farron, the Liberal Democrat leader, last night accused the government of pushing the responsibility on to families because they had refused to fund social care properly.
"These comments from an out of touch minister show how bad the social care crisis is,' he said. "He would want the best care possible for his family, and millions of people are the same.
"This government, rather than deal with the problem, want families to do it themselves. They need to get a grip."
A Government spokesman said councils had been given £7.6 billion of dedicated funding for social care over the course of this parliament, and local authorities which do not delivery high quality services will continue to be challenged. 

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